Рівень складності тесту: вищий (Advanced).

У кожному питанні виберіть правильний варіант відповіді.

Dear Sir, I am writing this letter to describe the ___ I've been having with one of your products.

In fact you could not possibly say that the job of best man is at all ___.

The first time I tried to use it, your lawnmower simply ___ over the grass but did not cut it.

'Cut' I should have thought was an essential ___ of any lawnmower.

As you will see from my ___ C.V., I am currently working as a waiter.

I am sure I could very easily ___ all the requirements of the job.

To begin with I would like to take ___ over the name itself.

Finally I want someone to come and cut my grass at your ___.
Yours faithfully, Herb Grass.

As I see it, a restaurant is a market and it is the job of a waiter to ___ the clients into choosing products from the menu.

Let me have your ___ as soon as possible.
Your old friend, Mick.